Monday, December 15, 2014 find a few

...lost items

Me:  Looking for my phone.  Looking for my phone.  Looking for my phone.  Several hours later...

"Has anyone seen my phone?"

Abbey:  "Yes.  In my pink Bitty Baby backpack, in my stroller, in the living room."

Me:  "Why of course...that's where I must have left it?!?"  Grr.

Me:  Looking for the giant round circle punch.  Looking for the giant round circle punch.  Looking for the giant round circle punch.  Several hours later...

"Has anyone seen the giant round circle punch?"

Audrey:  "Yes.  It's downstairs, in the basement, in the sink, in my kitchen set."

Me:  "Why of course...that's where I must have left it?!?"  Ugh.

Mark:  Looking for his Tiger's hat...looking for his Tiger's hat.  Several days later....

We still haven't found the Tiger's hat, but we are certain it's tucked away in some strange location.

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